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Wellness Program

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Women need to take care of their health and wellbeing, especially when they are pregnant. To prepare them for their child’s birth and to guide them during pregnancy, Cocoon has a holistic wellness program. With this program, women would be guided by our experts to learn everything about pregnancy, childbirth, and how to take care of their newborns. They can get all the support they need; their queries answered and learn about what their needs are, during pregnancy. As a part of the wellness program, we offer prenatal sessions that cover several areas including birth preparation, pregnancy and labor exercises, parenting, mental wellbeing, breastfeeding preparation, and breast care, to help prepare the parents-to-be before childbirth. These sessions are offered in groups so that pregnant women can connect with their peers and find support. To help couples learn natural therapies for birthing and design their birth plan. The partner is trained to become the labor support in these sessions so that they can help make it easier during labour. Pregnant women would also learn some natural techniques with the help of which the labour process can become more comfortable and easier for them as well as the baby. 

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Postnatal Care

After the delivery, the mother goes through many changes that can be physical and emotional while they learn to take care of their new-born. Cocoon provides postnatal care or PNC that is specialized care for the mother that starts from an hour after the delivery and lasts through the following six to eight weeks.

This care includes the prevention, elimination, early detection and cure of health complications (if any), counselling on breastfeeding, immunization, an interactive session on the importance of birth spacing and maternal nutrition, etc.

Cocoon Nanny – 

Our Cocoon Nanny welcomes a new born and guide mothers for taking care of their baby in all aspects.

Cocoon provides at Home Nanny Services to the new parents who assists the mother with breastfeeding, advice and supports the mother throughout the postnatal care, provides physical and emotional support to the new mother and daily baby massage. 

Obstetrics Services and Procedures

  • Ante-natal checks & counselling
  • Prenatal care
  • High-risk pregnancy management
  • Painless delivery
  • Foetal monitoring
  • Normal deliveries
  • Nutrition and diet counselling
  • Physiotherapy and Lamaze classes

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