So That God’s Most Precious Gift Arrives in Safe Hands
14 Bedded Neonatology Department
NICU level III
High End Nursery
Vast Expertise in Handling : Premature Babies | High Risk Newborn Babies
Advanced Ventilator & Blood Gas Analyzers
Infection Free Environment
24*7 Availability of Neonatologist
Trained Neonatal Nurses
Baby Package
Separate Viewing Area
Advanced phototherapy Units and much more….
Neonatal Care
In Cocoon, the Level III Neonatal Care Unit aims to provide optimum state-of-the-art care for critically ill and recovering neonates and infants. The highly qualified team of neonatologists with neonatal trained nurses who specialized in the care of the new born at Cocoon Hospital offers high-intensity neonatal care 24/7.
There is a step-down Special nursery unit to take care of preterm babies, who are feeding and growing rapidly but need monitoring until they are fit for discharge.
With our advanced neonatal screening programs such as retinal screening, OAE & BERA hearing screening and hip screening, Cocoon also offers the broad spectrum of Neonatology and Pediatrics super specialties for the newborns and their siblings –
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatric Orthopedics
Pediatric Endocrinology
Latest Technology in the NICU:
High-end Ventilation support –
Cocoon hospital is equipped with invasive and non-invasive ventilation services. We also offer advanced ventilation program in the form of High-Frequency Oscillation Ventilation (HFOV).
IND (Inhaled Nitric Oxide) –
Our hospital is dedicated to providing advanced therapy to babies with severe pulmonary hypertension.