Treating the Patients Patiently

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Dr. Priya Gupta, a skilled and compassionate obstetrician and gynecologist at Cocoon Hospital, excels in managing complex cases with the utmost care and expertise. One such case involved a woman who developed a hematoma during her fourth week of pregnancy. Initially measuring about 170 ml, the hematoma gradually reduced to 110-90 ml, ensuring the baby's well-being. She diligently investigated and continuously monitored the symptoms, leaving no room for negligence. Throughout the pregnancy, the woman's diet was closely examined, and reassuringly, the results indicated that the baby did not face any developmental difficulties.

Dr. Priya's medical reflexes came to the forefront in another remarkable case. A woman with high blood pressure, diabetes, and multiple fibroids measuring 10-12 cm successfully gave birth to her baby through unexpected vaginal delivery. Her expertise in managing complex medical conditions allowed for a safe and uncomplicated childbirth experience.

Cocoon: The Only Hospital Offering Walking Epidurals

Dr. Gupta firmly believes in the power of patience when encouraging her patients. She and her team of obstetricians and gynecologists facilitate walking epidurals, a method that allows patients to receive pain relief while still being able to walk. This approach emphasizes maintaining mobility and ensuring the patient's comfort throughout the birthing process.

The bond between Dr. Priya and her patients goes beyond verbal communication. A unique connection forms between the doctor and the patient through nine months of pregnancy. The woman instinctively understands the unspoken cues and reassurance conveyed through the doctor's eyes during labor. Dr. Priya's transparent counseling provides the necessary assurance and allows the patient to remain calm and trust the doctor even during the most stressful moments.

Your Baby is Our Responsibility:

In addition to closely monitoring the mother's well-being, Dr. Priya emphasizes the importance of monitoring the baby's health. Continuous CTG and fetal heart monitoring are performed to ensure the baby's well-being and timely intervention if needed. This comprehensive approach ensures that the mother and baby receive the highest care and attention.

Dr. Priya's pledge to patient-centered care, her ability to handle complex cases with expertise and compassion, and her emphasis on maintaining effective communication and trust with her patients make her an exceptional obstetrician and gynecologist at Cocoon Hospital. Expectant mothers can find solace in her guidance, knowing that their unique needs and the well-being of both mother and baby are her top priorities.


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